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Written By Unknown on Thursday, 5 March 2015 | 05:49
Step 1. Get a Linux Live Cd
Step 2. Boot the cd
Step 3. Go to C:\Windows\System32
Step 4. Rename "Utilman.exe" file to "Utilman1.exe"
Step 5. Now rename "cmd.exe" file to "Utilman.exe"
Step 6. Restart your PC and remove the cd
Step 7. Now you will a screen like this that is normal
Step 8. Now click on "Ease of access"(left bottom corner of the screen) and cmd.exe will pop up like this
How To Hack Windows 8 Admin Password
Written By Unknown on Friday, 9 November 2012 | 00:13
how to reset or crack Windows 8 password
, lets follow meStep 1. Get a Linux Live Cd
Step 2. Boot the cd
Step 3. Go to C:\Windows\System32
Step 4. Rename "Utilman.exe" file to "Utilman1.exe"
Step 5. Now rename "cmd.exe" file to "Utilman.exe"
Step 6. Restart your PC and remove the cd
Step 7. Now you will a screen like this that is normal
Step 8. Now click on "Ease of access"(left bottom corner of the screen) and cmd.exe will pop up like this
Step 9. Type "net user",without quotes in command prompt it will show all users list
Step 10. Now you have to add a new user so type
net user /add cyberkey ck
here your new username is "cyberkey" and its password is "ck"
Step 11. Now you have to make this user as a administrator ,so type
net localgroup administrators cyberkey /add
Step 12.Restart your pc, and login with your new user here its "cyberkey" , give the password "ck".
Step 13.Now its done ,now you may delete your old user account or change its password from control panel
Step 11.But that's not end, your PC is to totally correct , to make it correct again boot with your Linux cd
and go to C:\Windows\System32 folder , now rename "Utilman.exe" to
"cmd.exe" and now rename "Utilman1.exe" to "Utilman.exe". That's End.If you like it the share it.
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Convert Windows XP SP2 into SP3
Written By Unknown on Monday, 1 October 2012 | 20:19
Convert Windows XP SP2 into SP3 without any setup program: Simple trick
These days the technology is changing very rapidly and with in a short span of time we have to update with the new patches ans supplement for several software, though these are always in the favor of the end user but most of the time we just don’t want to implement these latest changes. Like me, I wanted to install Microsoft Visual studio 2010, which requires windows SP3 installed to run it but I just don’t want to do so. So should i left it or there are any alternatives… Yes I have found one… And it is described below:
As for most of the programs they usually look into the info about the system status into the registry file to locate the software and patches which decides their performance. So here is the trick to fool such programs which requires Windows XP SP3 patch by altering the Windows XP SP2 version info. To do so go to windows run command (Using windows key +R) and then, type regedit to open Registry Editor And Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
So now you have registry editor opened then only browse to the following key:
Now follow These steps to goto the KEY
Double Click on the CSDVersion that is on the Right side
and modify “CSDVersion” from “0×00000200” (SP2) to the Windows XP SP3 value of “0×00000300” and reboot
Change the Value From 200 To 300 And Reboot To see the changes
If anyone is facing any problem with modifying the registry manually; they can download the registry file from the below link and double click on the registry file just download. Doing so will ask a confirmation to modify the registry say yes and it will do the needful task automatically.
Click Here To Download!!! (Note: This is in ZIP archive extract it first)
As for most of the programs they usually look into the info about the system status into the registry file to locate the software and patches which decides their performance. So here is the trick to fool such programs which requires Windows XP SP3 patch by altering the Windows XP SP2 version info. To do so go to windows run command (Using windows key +R) and then, type regedit to open Registry Editor And Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Now follow These steps to goto the KEY
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Windows
and modify “CSDVersion” from “0×00000200” (SP2) to the Windows XP SP3 value of “0×00000300” and reboot
Change the Value From 200 To 300 And Reboot To see the changes
If anyone is facing any problem with modifying the registry manually; they can download the registry file from the below link and double click on the registry file just download. Doing so will ask a confirmation to modify the registry say yes and it will do the needful task automatically.
Click Here To Download!!! (Note: This is in ZIP archive extract it first)
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Hardware Solution,
The Dangers of Overclocking Your Desktop CPU
The Dangers of Overclocking Your Desktop CPU
CPU overclocking has always had a hold on many diehard computer enthusiasts and gamers. Who does not want a CPU that performs at its very best?
Simply put, overclocking means running your PC computer hardware at its fastest. And you have to do this while maintaining the stability of your system. If not done properly, overclocking can destroy your desktop computer CPU or laptop computer CPU in short order.
Here are two problems that you may have to face when you overclock your computer CPU:
* Overheating
When computer hardware is being used, it gives off some heat. The harder a computer component works, the more heat it gives off. Consequently, overclocking your computer CPU will also cause it to generate more heat than it would otherwise normally make. You are opening the doors to overheating problems when you overclock your CPU.
If you are intent on overclocking your CPU, make sure that you have an advanced computer CPU cooling system in place. Computer water cooling is a very effective but costly way to control computer CPU temperature. A more affordable solution is to replace the heatsink fan with a more efficient one, or to use a thermal paste if you have not already done so.
* System failure
As with all machines that are run beyond their normal specifications, you will be dealing with system crashes — which can range from minor to very major depending on how large your overclocking mistakes are.
You can be dealing with a functional computer but a desktop or laptop computer CPU that is less powerful than its normal specifications. You can also be entertaining a lot of system crashes, or a dead computer and a busted CPU in a worst case scenario.
Overclocking is a risky business but the rewards are great — just make sure you do it right.
The central processing unit (CPU) of your computer does not refer to the entire computer box as many ordinary users mistakenly call it. But it is a small piece of hardware that is also called the processor or microprocessor that reads, converts, and disposes majority of the instructions inside your computer. It is also often referred to as the “brain” or the ‘think tank” of your computer. That is why buying a CPU should be well advised and thought of to maximize computer use.
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Hardware Solution
Today video editing is one of the popular task between PC users. We are editing videos for many reasons such as for fun, remembrance of unforgettable memories or job related reasons. Currently there are many free and payable video edit software available in internet, but every freeware video editor cannot complete all our needs. Some of video edit software requires upgrade for advance edits.
Top 7 Free Video Editing Software
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 | 22:13
Today video editing is one of the popular task between PC users. We are editing videos for many reasons such as for fun, remembrance of unforgettable memories or job related reasons. Currently there are many free and payable video edit software available in internet, but every freeware video editor cannot complete all our needs. Some of video edit software requires upgrade for advance edits.
So today I'll give you best 7 free video edit software to edit your favorite videos as your wish.
1. Avidemux - Click Here to Download
2. MovieStorm - Click Here to Download
3. Wax - Click Here to Download
4. Pinnacle VideoSpin - Click Here to Download
1. Avidemux - Click Here to Download
2. MovieStorm - Click Here to Download
3. Wax - Click Here to Download
4. Pinnacle VideoSpin - Click Here to Download
5. Jahshaka - Click Here to Download
6. Avid FreeDV - Click Here to Download
7. VirtualDub - Click Here to Download
6. Avid FreeDV - Click Here to Download
7. VirtualDub - Click Here to Download
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When you connect PC to internet, definitely you'll go any of below mentioned websites.
True or not?
So today's article is about your favorite websites. Let's have a small look on famous websites, how looked when they were first launched. - Launched in 1996 - Launched in 2004 - Launched in 2005 - Launched in 1994 - Launched in 2006 - Launched in 2001 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 1987 (The screenshot from 1996) - Launched in 1997 - Launched in 1996 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 2004 - Launched in 1994
Here, last one and my favorite website. My site is running under this Platform, Its blogger. - Launched in 1999
How Famous Websites Looked when they Launched
True or not?
So today's article is about your favorite websites. Let's have a small look on famous websites, how looked when they were first launched. - Launched in 1996 - Launched in 2004 - Launched in 2005 - Launched in 1994 - Launched in 2006 - Launched in 2001 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 1987 (The screenshot from 1996) - Launched in 1997 - Launched in 1996 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 1995 - Launched in 2004 - Launched in 1994
Here, last one and my favorite website. My site is running under this Platform, Its blogger. - Launched in 1999
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Tech News
Today (27/9/2012) Google's 14th Birthday, first of all I would like to wish my best friend. "Wishing you Many More Happy Returns of the Day" Google ..
So today i though to write something an interesting matter about Google for celebrating it's 14th birthday.
Google home page will replace it's standard homepage logo with custom doodles on some special occasions, to celebrate the particular day. Have you noticed this? For example sometimes Google home page will display a new Doodle to celebrate some of the most important persons birthday like John Lennon, Agatha Christie or Hans Christian Andersen.
Even today Google Home Page is appearing with a birthday cake Doodle to celebrate their 14th Birthday.
More than this, Google doing an interesting thing for it's users. Yes !!! Google will replace its standard homepage logo to custom doodle on your birthday date to celebrate it.
Huff !!! How is this possible ? I'm not a very special person in this world, so how does Google know my birth date to celebrate it?
Google doing this interesting matter under some conditions.
You must have a Google account
You should update your birth date details on Google+
And you must log to Google account on your birthday date.
Google Wishes You a Happy Birthday with Special Doodle to Celebrate It
Today (27/9/2012) Google's 14th Birthday, first of all I would like to wish my best friend. "Wishing you Many More Happy Returns of the Day" Google ..
So today i though to write something an interesting matter about Google for celebrating it's 14th birthday.
Google home page will replace it's standard homepage logo with custom doodles on some special occasions, to celebrate the particular day. Have you noticed this? For example sometimes Google home page will display a new Doodle to celebrate some of the most important persons birthday like John Lennon, Agatha Christie or Hans Christian Andersen.
More than this, Google doing an interesting thing for it's users. Yes !!! Google will replace its standard homepage logo to custom doodle on your birthday date to celebrate it.
Huff !!! How is this possible ? I'm not a very special person in this world, so how does Google know my birth date to celebrate it?
Google doing this interesting matter under some conditions.
You must have a Google account
You should update your birth date details on Google+
And you must log to Google account on your birthday date.
If you do all the above mentioned , then this time Google will wish you on your birth date.
How Google doing this interesting thing?
When you login to Google account, it checks your birthday details. If your birth date matches with the particular day, Google will show you a new doodle on your home page to celebrate your birthday.
And when you move the mouse cursor to new doodle which appeared on your home page, it will tell you "Happy Birthday" (with your name), and if you click on that doodle, it will open your Google+ profile.
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How Google doing this interesting thing?
When you login to Google account, it checks your birthday details. If your birth date matches with the particular day, Google will show you a new doodle on your home page to celebrate your birthday.
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Tech News
Today I am going to share the Free GPRS trick for the BSNL users.Now a days the users in the BSNL network reduced gradually.However for those few peoples who are all still using the BSNL connections I am sharing here the latest free GPRS trick for BSNL.You can browse and download unlimited using the below free BSNL GPRS trick.
Use the below settings to get unlimited Free Browsing and downloading in BSNL for free.
Port : 9209
Proxy :
HomePage :
Now you can enjoy unlimited browsing and downloading in BSNL using this free GPRS Trick
BSNL Free GPRS Trick
Written By Unknown on Monday, 24 September 2012 | 21:17
BSNL Free GPRS Trick
Port : 9209
Proxy :
HomePage :
Now you can enjoy unlimited browsing and downloading in BSNL using this free GPRS Trick
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Hacking Tips and Tricks,
Internet Setting
Best Registry Hacks Tricks For Windows
Written By Unknown on Sunday, 23 September 2012 | 21:38
Best Registry Hacks Tricks For Windows
1.Display legal notice on startup:
Wanna make your friends afraid by displaying about there secrets while Windows start? Well you can do it pretty easily by displaying a secret message about him at system start up.
Goto Start–>Run–>Regedit
“legalnoticecaption”=”enter your notice caption”
“legalnoticetext”=”enter your message text here”
2.Automatic Administrator Login:
We all know Windows Xp is not a secured OS as Linux.Well here’s the trick which you can use to prove that Windows XP is not at all secure as multi-user operating system. Hacking the system registry from any account having access to system registry puts you in to the administrator account.
Goto Start–>Run–>Regedit
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
3.Remove Shutdown Option:
Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in their computer.
Goto Start–>Run–>Regedit
4.Speed Up Menu Display:
When using the Start menu then you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing this value to Zero. This will allow the difference tiers to appear instantly.
When using the Start menu then you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing this value to Zero. This will allow the difference tiers to appear instantly. Start –> Run (Windows + R) –>Regedit.
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Select MenuShowDelay from the list on the right.
Right click on it and select Modify.
Change the value to 0.
Reboot your computer.
5.GPEDIT.MSC And Autoplay:
A great tweaking file that comes with XP is gpedit.msc.
Go to Start -> Run–>gpedit.msc and press enter.
This is effectively the Policies Editor, and it comes in handy often.
For example, if you hate CD autoplay and want to permanently disable it, you can use this tool to do so.
Just run gpedit.msc, then go to Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> System.
In here you can see the value ‘Turn Off Autoplay’. Right-click on it and then click ‘Properties’.
6.Speeding Up Share Viewing:
This is a great tweak. Basically, when you connect to another computer with Windows XP, it checks for any Scheduled tasks on that computer – a fairly useless task, but one that can add up to 30 seconds of waiting on the other end – not good! Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to disable this process. First, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace in the Registry. Below that, there should be a key called {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}. Just delete this, and after a restart, Windows will no longer check for scheduled tasks – much performance improvement!
7.Increasing options in add/remove programs:
Not a fan of MSN Messenger? don’t want Windows Media Player on your system? Fair enough, but if you go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, by default none of Windows XP’s ‘built in’ programs are visible. it’s fairly easy to change, though… just open the file X:\Windows\inf\sysoc.inf (where X: is the drive letter where Windows XP is installed) in Notepad. You should see a section of the file something like this:
IndexSrv_System = setupqry.dll,IndexSrv,setupqry.inf,,7
TerminalServer=TsOc.dll, HydraOc, TsOc.inf,hide,2
This is a list of all components installed at the moment. I’ve taken the example of MSN Messenger – the program entry called ‘msmsgs’, third-last line. You can see the word ‘hide’ highlighted – this is the string which tells Windows not to display the component in the Add/Remove Programs list. Fix this up by simply deleting the word ‘hide’ like so:
To this:
Now, after restarting, you should be able to see MSN Messenger in the Add/Remove Programs list. If you want to be able to quickly view and remove all components, simply open the sysoc.inf file and do a global find and replace for the word “,hide” and replace it with a single comma “,”.
8.Automatically Kill Programs At Shutdown:
Do you get irrated seeing message boxes telling you that a program is still running during Shutdown? Making it so that Windows automatically kills applications running is a snap. Simply navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER–>Control Panel–>Desktop directory in the Registry, then alter the key AutoEndTasks to the value 1.
9.Create a Shortcut to Lock Your Computer
You can double-click a shortcut on your desktop to quickly lock the keyboard and display without using CTRL+ALT+DEL or a screen saver.
To create a shortcut on your desktop to lock your computer:
1. Right-click the desktop.
2. Point to New, and then click Shortcut.
3. The Create Shortcut Wizard opens.
4. In the text box, type the following:
rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
5. Click Next.
6. Enter a name for the shortcut. You can call it “Lock Your Pc” or choose any name you like.
7. Click Finish.
To change the icon:
8. Right click the shortcut and then select Properties.
9. Click the Shortcut tab, and then click the Change Icon button.
10. In the Look for icons in this file text box, type:
11. Click OK.
12. Select one of the icons from the list and then click OK.
13. You could also give it a shortcut keystroke such CTRL+ALT+L. This would save you only one keystroke from the normal command, but it could be more convenient.
10.How To Enable Or Disable USB Pendrive Access
Usually Pendrive access is restricted in Colleges and Offices due to Virus Problems.Worms Spread across the Computers in Organisations and causes trouble to System Administrator.So some of the administrator blocks the USB ports so that system does not get infected by this way.You can also disable and re-enable your system’s USB ports by a simple Registry trick
To disable the access to USB port, in windows XP and 2000:
1. Click Start–>Run.
2. Type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate, and then click the following registry key:
4. In the right pane, double-click Start.
5. In the Value data box, type 4, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click Ok.
6. Quit Registry Editor.
To re-enable a disabled port:
1. Click Start–>Run.
2. Type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate, and then click the following registry key:
4. In the right pane, double-click Start.
5. In the Value data box, type 3, click Hexadecimal (if it is not already selected), and then click Ok.
6. Quit Registry Editor.
Keep Visiting our Blogs for such Daily Tricks
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Hacking Tips and Tricks
* Overclock
* Upgrade
How to Increase the Speed of Your Desktop Computer CPU
How to Increase the Speed of Your Desktop Computer CPU
A fast computer CPU can give you a more efficient machine. The CPU works hand-in-hand with the RAM to load and run all of your computer programs and applications. A fast and powerful CPU, coupled with decent RAM space, can give you fast-loading applications and incredibly quick response times.
There are basically two things that you can do to increase the speed of your desktop computer CPU:
* Overclock
There is nothing you can do to make a CPU run faster than it can. However, desktop computer CPUs are configured to run at speeds that are lower than the maximum speed at which they can run. This is done to promote system stability. You can override the normal settings of your desktop computer CPU by overclocking it. If you overclock it properly, you can have a more powerful version of your desktop computer CPU!
CPU overclocking is sorely limited to desktops because almost all laptop computer CPUs are locked. This means that you cannot change the settings of a laptop computer CPU — not without a lot of hassle, anyway.
* Upgrade
Overclocking can lead to freezes, hang-ups and complete system failure if you overdo it. A safer way to have a faster desktop computer CPU is to upgrade your unit. A computer CPU upgrade can be costly so watch your budget when picking out a replacement CPU.
There are many types of computer CPUs that you can choose from. There are the usual single core CPUs, and there are the newer, more powerful and pricier multi-core CPUs. Your decision will be greatly dependent on the CPU technologies that your computer motherboard supports. You will need an Intel motherboard to use an Intel CPU. The same thing applies to AMD computer hardware.
In terms of budget, overclocking wins over a computer CPU upgrade anytime. If you would like to play things safe, however, it is best to replace your desktop computer CPU with a faster one.
The central processing unit (CPU) of your computer does not refer to the entire computer box as many ordinary users mistakenly call it. But it is a small piece of hardware that is also called the processor or microprocessor that reads, converts, and disposes majority of the instructions inside your computer. It is also often referred to as the “brain” or the ‘think tank” of your computer. That is why buying a CPU should be well advised and thought of to maximize computer use.
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Hardware Solution
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Written By Unknown on Saturday, 15 September 2012 | 22:20
HP Pavilion g6-1201tx Drivers for Windows 7 Free Download
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